The Parish of Hannahstown
Saint Joseph's and Saint Peter's
Very Rev. Patrick Devlin
Chaplain to the Deaf Community
Chaplain to the Antrim Area Hospital
Thur/Fri Emergency Calls
Parish Mobile Number: 07910833699
Vicariate Emergency Sick Calls : 07549209775
Parish Email:
Parish Secretary: Mrs Grainne McArevey
Telephone: 02890614567
23 Hannahstown Hill, Belfast, BT17 0LT

Deaf Ministry
Pope Francis' Message to the Deaf

Pope Francis communicated more with one hand on June 27 than many in the audience had seen in a long time from a church leader. With a smile on his face and his right arm raised in the air, Francis placed his two middle fingers in his palms and signed,
“I love you.”
Welcome to Saint Joseph's Centre for the Deaf Belfast
Chaplain Father Patrick Devlin Down and Connor