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Altar Servers

Altar servers, also known as acolytes, serve a crucial function during the celebration of the Mass and other liturgical services. Their role is to assist the clergy and contribute to the smooth and reverent flow of the liturgy. 

Assisting the Celebrant:
Altar servers assist the priest or deacon during Mass and other liturgical ceremonies. They may carry the processional cross, candles, and other liturgical items as needed.

Preparing the Altar:
Altar servers help prepare the altar for the Eucharistic celebration. This includes setting out the chalice, paten, and other vessels used during the Mass.

Altar servers often participate in processions, such as the entrance procession at the beginning of Mass, the procession of the gifts, and the recessional at the end of the liturgy.

Candle Bearers:
Servers may carry candles during the entrance procession and the Gospel procession. This symbolic role signifies the light of Christ illuminating the Word.

Assisting with the Book of Gospels:
During the Gospel reading, an altar server may carry the Book of Gospels and present it to the priest or deacon for the proclamation.

Altar servers may be responsible for handling the thurible (incense container) during Mass, particularly during special liturgical moments such as the Gospel reading or the consecration.

Assisting with Communion:
Altar servers may assist in the distribution of the Eucharist by holding the communion plate or assisting with the distribution of the consecrated hosts.

Maintaining Reverence:
Altar servers are expected to maintain a prayerful and reverent demeanor throughout the liturgy. They should be attentive to the needs of the celebrant and contribute to an atmosphere of worship.

Liturgical Training:
Altar servers often undergo training to familiarize themselves with the various rituals, prayers, and movements associated with the liturgy. This training helps ensure that they fulfill their roles with understanding and reverence.

Setting an Example:
Altar servers are seen as role models within the faith community. They are encouraged to live virtuous lives and serve as examples of Christian discipleship.
The role of altar servers is an important ministry that allows individuals, often youth, to actively participate in the liturgical life of the Church and contribute to the worshiping community.

Parish of Hannahstown

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